

Leilani Sales
Leilani Sales
  • Updated

SPOTIO’s Leaderboard displays Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in an easily understandable format. SPOTIO aims to enhance sales team engagement and provide a clear view of top performers in the field. You are now able to clearly identify and share the metrics that matter most to them directly to their reps.


  • Increased user performance through competitive motivation
  • Clear visibility of essential metrics
  • Leaderboards are customizable and easily shareable

SPOTIO’s new Custom Leaderboards allow you to turn any MyReport (New or Existing) into a custom leaderboard to be displayed in both the Leaderboards section on the Web and Mobile.

If you need support building My Reports click this link

Best Practices:

  • These custom Leaderboards can be shared with specific Users, Teams, Roles, or Territories which will allow custom metrics to only be displayed to the users that need to see them.
  • Create a Weekly Snapshot report of your team-leading success indicators that your Managers can use for coaching
  • Ensure permissions are set correctly to provide visibility into the Leaderboard you create
  • Ensure Teams & Territories are up to date with the correct rep & manager assignments

Leaderboard Controls

To create effective Leaderboards, it is important to understand the different controls available in My Reports. With these controls, you have various possibilities for displaying different users and data points depending on the option selected.

Visibility Controls: With SPOTIO’s visibility controls, you will be able to set the visibility of a report to “Private", “Public”, "Territory" and "Team" as well as set the visibility to “By Role” which will only allow other users to view data in the report depending on what records SPOTIO's permissions allow them to see.


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Leaderboard Checkbox: This option when checked will display the MyReport as a Leaderboard and it will be available to view by all users in the assigned visibility group.

Default Leaderboard Checkbox:  This checkbox can only be turned on for 1 leaderboard per SPOTIO account. When turned on for a specific Leaderboard it will then set that Leaderboard as the default for all users in the account.  If an Admin wishes to change the leaderboard that is set as the default they need to first uncheck this box for the existing default leaderboard before they will be able to turn it on for the new default.

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Default Metric: This dropdown will display all purple activity metric columns as options for the default leaderboard value to be set to. This value will be the first one displayed when you select this leaderboard, and all other purple activity value columns will be available as options for you to select/switch the leaderboard metric to.

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Email Communication Checkbox: This option will allow for you to decide if you want the metrics from it to be included in your daily/weekly email  

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How To Create a Leaderboard:

Note that you will need to have created a My Report to use a Leaderboard, if you need support in creating a My Report please click this link. 

  1. To create a Leaderboard, start by opening SPOTIO on the Web in your preferred browser. 
  2. Use your left side menu to select Dashboard which will open up the reporting section.
  3. At the top left of the reporting section, you will see a new area called My Reports
  4. Choose and open the Report you want to turn into a leaderboard
  5. Find Leaderboard Settings
  6. Choose the settings that best fit your needs

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Using Leaderboards on Web:

After a Leaderboard is created and shared with users there are two options for viewing the Leaderboard on the Web.

  • My Reports Section: Leaderboards will be identified by a Trophy Icon next to the My Report that is being used as a leaderboard. 


  • Account Overview Section: Click on the Dashboard icon, then find Account Overview section. You will see your default Leaderboard that you chose.

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  • You can select between all leaderboards here using the Title dropdown
  • You can select between the different Metrics within a Leaderboard by using the Metric dropdown

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Using Leaderboards on Mobile:

After a leaderboard has been shared with a user, they will be able to view it under the Performance tab of the mobile app. 

You will see the default leaderboard, if you want to choose a different leaderboard click Select Leaderboard dropdown. 

The BLUE options under Filters allow you to select between the different Metrics and Timeframe

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The user who is accessing the leaderboard will always be displayed at the top to show their ranking compared to the rest of the users. 

Pro Tip: Team Leaderboards - you can tap into the teams to see the rankings of the team members. 

Want to learn more about using Leaderboards? Check out the Best Practices for Maximizing Field Sales Productivity and Engagement Webinar.


How do I share this Leaderboard with my team?

Choose Public, By Role, Territory, or Team option under visibility. 


How to Subscribe to a Leaderboard:

You see all Leaderboards that others have not marked as Private plus any Leaderboards that you create. 


Who will these Leaderboards be visible for?

Public - are visible for all users in the company

Private - visible only to you

By Role - visible to everyone, they are only able to see the data based on the account user permissions

Territory - visible to users in selected territory

Team - visible to users in selected team


Where will Leaderboards be visible?

In the Dashboard under My Reports and Account Overview of the web app and also in the Leaderboard section of the Performance screen in the mobile app.  


How does visibility work between Teams & Territories?

Visibility and access to a report is determined by the report creator and whether they have checked the "Private" checkbox.  Territories or Teams mode determines what data you will see on the report but it’s not related to the reports that you have access to.


Why are we adding this?

Our existing Leaderboards feature, while popular, was limited to tracking just three metrics: visits logged, leads created, and activities created. With this new update, we’ve taken our robust "My Reports" feature and transformed it into a powerful tool for creating custom leaderboards tailored to the unique needs of your team.

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