
Web App: Creating Custom Fields

Brandy Billiot
Brandy Billiot
  • Updated

As your team interacts with prospects or customers, there may be bits of information that will need to be collected and retained with that record. Custom Fields allow you to obtain that data to store within the details, allowing you to continue building that relationship, whether they are already a buyer or on the path to becoming one.

Creating a Custom Field

Admins have the ability to create custom fields on the web app.

To add custom fields:

  1. Login to the SPOTIO web app.
  2. Click the Settings icon on the bottom left.
  3. Select Workflow.
  4. Under What are you tracking, click the blue gear.
  5. Drag the custom tile from the left under the Active Fields.
  6. Add a field Name.
  7. Choose the input type from the drop down menu. 
  8. Make additional selections as needed.
  9. Hit Save.


Input Type

Under Input Type, there is a dropdown with 11 options to choose from with how you want your field formatted when entered. 

Here are the available types of inputs for Custom Fields in SPOTIO:

  • Email - An Email address field 
  • Text - A blank text field 
  • Phone - A phone text field
  • SingleChoice - A pick list field that allows a single option to be selected
  • MultiChoice - A pick list field that allows multiple options to be selected
  • Date - A date slider that allows you to select MM/DD/YYYY
  • DateTime - A Date/Time Slider that allows you to select MM/DD/YYYY AND Time 00:00 AM/PM
  • Number - a field that allows you to input a number value
  • Address - an address field 
  • Multi-Line - a blank text field with a higher character limit
  • Currency - A number field based on the account's chosen currency

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All inputs do have the option to select Read Only, preventing any editing to the data. While most are standard, there are 4 that provide additional options: Single Choice, Multi Choice, Number and Currency. 

  • Single Choice allows you to list as many choice options as you want but only one can be selected.
  • Multi Choice allows you to list as many choice options as you want and choose as many of those options as you would like.
  • Number allows you to input any number value and search by those options.
  • Currency allows you to input currency related to a record and search or filter by those options as you would like.


These four custom fields allow you to use as a filter, allowing you to filter records on the map and pipeline for both the web and mobile app. However, single choice is the only input that opens up the option to show in the activity feed. 

Tip: Single Choice and Multi Choice also allow users to colorize their records based on the custom field choice options.

Additional Options for Custom Fields 

  • Make "Read-only"
    This option is available on all Custom Fields. It will prevent users from modifying the values in this field and can be used with integrations to other applications for values that users need to reference in SPOTIO without allowing them to edit the value present.
  • Show in Activity Feed
    This will allow you to see the historical selection of values in this field in the Activity Feed. This option is only available on SingleChoice fields.
  • Use as a Filter
    This will allow you to use the value selected in this field as a filter in the Map and List views. This option is only available on SingleChoice and MultiChoice fields. 

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Requiring on Stages

When creating custom fields, you have the ability to require them on certain stages of the pipeline. This ensures that all necessary information is provided before progressing to the next step of the process.

To make a requirement, toggle on the appropriate stage or stages before hitting the Save button.

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Configuring Custom Fields

You are able to configure custom fields by hitting the blue Configure button on the appropriate custom field tile. Depending on the type of custom field, you will have different options available for you to adjust; however, you are unable to edit the Input Type. You can rename, add additional choice options, as well as remove, and turn on or off required stages. Be sure to hit Save when complete.


Can custom field data transfer over to my CRM?

In most cases, yes. However, it does depend on the setup and the CRM. It is best to reach out to our support team via chat or email for more information. 

Am I able to reorganize the custom fields?

You are able to reorganize the custom fields by cross arrows to the left of the custom field name. Drag and hold then move to where you would like to place that field. We do recommend using First and Last Name and/or Company in the Used for Name section. 

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