Sales Rep

Adding, Viewing, and Deleting Record Photos

Brandy Billiot
Brandy Billiot
  • Updated

Maintaining record details in SPOTIO is not just limited to notes and field information but can include photos as well. Reps are able to provide visual context with ease, viewable on both the web and mobile app. 

Attachments on the Web App

Adding a file or photo on the web

To attach a file or photo on the web app:

  1. Click on the record to access the details.
  2. Click on the Files icon on the right.
  3. In the Attach files or photos box, drag and drop the file or click to upload.


Deleting a file on the web

To delete a file or attachment, access the Files tab within the Record’s details. There will be a trash can icon next to the attachment. A pop up box will appear to Delete or Cancel. If Deleted, this action cannot be undone. You can hit the Delete button to confirm. 

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Viewing Attachments on the web

To view attachments on the web, you will again access the Record's details. Attached files will live inside of the record that can be viewed from the side panel's File icon or in the expanded view of the Lead Info. 


Attachments on the Mobile App

Adding a file or photo on the mobile

To attach a file or photo on the mobile app:

  1. Click on the record to access the details.
  2. Click on the Details tab.
  3. Select Files.
  4. Click Attach a File
  5. Select from Take Photo, Choose from Library, or Choose from Documents


If choosing to Take Photo, (once the photo has been taken) you will be able to Use Photo or Retake.

If choosing to Choose from Library, you will have the option to select from photos and videos. Your available media may be limited based on the permissions you gave SPOTIO when downloading the app. You can Manage what media the app has access to or can adjust your app permission settings. 

If choosing to Choose from Documents, you will select the document you are wanting to upload. You can click Open to proceed.

Tip: To upload a file quicker, you can also hit the plus sign icon at the bottom of the Record's details screen. Select Attach a File and proceed with choosing how you would like to attach your file for a swifter approach.

Deleting a file on the mobile

To delete a file on the mobile app:

  1. Select the file. 
  2. Tap the trash can icon in the top right. 
  3. Click the Delete button to confirm. 

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Once deleted, you will receive a notice that the file has been removed. This action cannot be undone. 

Viewing Attachments on the mobile 

To view your attached files on the mobile:

  1. Click on the record to access the details.
  2. Click on the Details icon on the right.
  3. Tap on the Files tab.


You are able to download any of the files by clicking the download icon next to the attached file. You can also click on the file to view.

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