
MCC: Creating Email and Text Templates

Brandy Billiot
Brandy Billiot
  • Updated

Our goal is to help ensure your Sales Reps are more productive than ever. With Text and Email Templates, we’ve made it easy for you to give your sales reps rapid access to company approved messages for easy communication with prospects and customers.  

How to create an Email Template

In order to use Templates for email, users have to have their email accounts integrated with SPOTIO. Admins can create templates on the SPOTIO web app but they do have the ability to allow sales reps and managers to create and edit their own templates.

To create an email template:

  1. Click the Templates icon on the left grey sidebar.
  2. Select Create New Email Template.
  3. Fill out the required information (Template Name, Email Subject, Email Body).

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The template wizard allows you to format the template, and it also allows you to enter in variables to help personalize the message. 

You can also add in attachments if needed, as well as send a preview of what the email will look like. 

When you are finished with your template, be sure to hit the Active checkbox to make it available on both the web and mobile app. Finalize the process by hitting Save Template.

How to create a Text Template

In order to use Templates for text, users have to have a SPOTIO phone number provisioned. You can learn how to create SPOTIO numbers by checking out the How to Provision SPOTIO Phone Numbers knowledge base article. As the Admin, you also have the ability to decide if you want managers and sales reps to create and edit their own templates.

To create a text template:

  1. Click the Templates icon on the left grey sidebar.
  2. Tap on the Text tab.
  3. Select Create New Text Template.
  4. Fill out the required information (Template Name, Text Body).
  5. When Completed, hit Save Template.

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When you are ready to make this template accessible, check the Active box to make it viewable on both the mobile and web app. If you need to send a preview of the text, click the Send Preview button. Be sure to hit Save Template when you are finished. 


For both email and text templates, you have the option to add variables into your body's text box to include personalized record information.

Adding these variables are incredibly quick and easy. When using either an email or text template, select the Insert Variable button. This will open up a window allowing you to choose which variable you are wanting to pull in when using the template. 


There are General Variables: Sender, Sender email, Sender phone number, and business card. These are available to quickly use by hitting the Insert button for the choice you prefer. 

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In addition, there is also the choice to add Custom Variables. From the Field dropdown menu, you can choose the variable you would like to add. The custom variables will consist of custom fields, including record contact information and single and multi-choice fields. (If you have multiple objects, you can choose the object from the Object dropdown menu).

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Once selected, hit the Insert button to add that variable to the template. You can add as many variables as you need to customize the template. Remember to hit Save Template once adjustments have been made. 

To learn more on how to use email and text templates, check out the MCC: Using Email and Text Templates knowledge base article. 

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