How to Format Your Import Template

Bret Smith
Bret Smith
  • Updated

Importing allows Admins to import an outside list of records into SPOTIO, enabling the ability to add the most important data and help you maintain clean records.


We've designed each account to generate a custom import template. This template will include all default and custom fields that are in your setup. If you have ever imported to a different system before, you can understand that the import process can be a bit tricky so by using the generated import template this ensures that your list is formatted correctly before you start importing.

Once you have downloaded your accounts import template, remember to NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THE HEADERS.

There are multiple ways to import your data. In the import template, you will see 3 columns for address. If you have the full Street name and number together, you can leave Column B & C blank. If you have them separate, you can leave column A blank.

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 10.14.00 AM.png

To import more than your daily/monthly import limit, your file must include Longitude & Latitude. 

Multiple Users / Multiple Stages

If the CSV file you're importing into SPOTIO has records that will need to be assigned to different users, or have the data dropped into different stages, you can complete that during one (1) import but your CSV File will need to have additional formatting done.

The import wizard only allows you to pick one (1) disposition and one (1) user for the entire list. If the stage cell is blank, it will automatically be assigned to the first stage in your process. If the data Owner Email cell is blank, it will assign the record to the admin importing the file.

You will still need to include the full address so SPOTIO knows where to drop the record (see above image), along with the record owner's email, and stage. Here is an example of how your columns in the CSV should be formatted:

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 10.14.49 AM.png

Please note that if your CSV File has the address split into House Number and Street name into 2 separate columns that will import correctly as well.

Importing in Last Visit Results 

Importing the last visit result will only show the first time a record is created and only shows the color of that result on the map. Historical data associated with the result itself will not show in SPOTIO.

If the CSV file will include a last visit result, there are a few things that are required for this to import correctly. You will still need to include the full address so SPOTIO knows where to drop the record, along with the record owner's email address. Note, the record owner email address needs to be an active user in SPOTIO. The format of the last visit results on your file needs to match exactly how the visit result is configured in SPOTIO (spelling, capitalizations, spaces, etc.)

Below is a list of formats If you are utilizing a column that requires a date:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", "yyyy-MM-dd", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm", "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"

"dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss",

"dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd", "MM/dd/yyyy", "M/d/yyyy HH:mm:ss",

"M/d/yyyy HH:mm:ss", "M/d/yyyy", "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss",

"dd-MM-yyyy", "MM/dd HH:mm:ss", "MM/dd"


  • If you have added new custom fields, you will want to download a new import template to ensure you can enter data into the correct fields. 
  • If you are assigning records to specific users or stages prior to completing the import, you will need to make sure you have those users and the stages added if you're wanting to assign them.
  • To import any Notes, you will need to ensure you have a Notes Custom Field (this can be a Multiline or Text field)
  • When importing addresses, ensure that you have one of the following combinations of information:
    • Address (house # & street name), City, State, Zip, Country, Lat/Long
    • House #, Street, City, State, Zip, Country, Lat/Long
    • House #, Street, City
    • Address (house # & street name), City
    • Lat/Long

Common Mistakes

  • Changing headers on the import template
  • Addresses entered into columns A B&C
  • Importing over your record limit
  • Not including all of the address components

To learn how to import into SPOTIO, check out our SPOTIO U: Importing Walk-Through video.


Are there limits to the number of records that you can import?

You can import 10,000 records per month with NO Lat/Long and 1,000 per day. If your file has Latitude/Longitude, the records with Lat/Long will NOT count towards your daily/monthly import limit

How do I import records into SPOTIO?

Click here for our knowledge base article on the importing process.

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